Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring Storms!

One of the best things to me about spring is the insane storms! In the midst of tornado season, the possibility to see storms, normal or severe is always on the up! I love being able to go out and shoot in a storm. People think i am insane for chasing storms. Just a few weeks ago, my dad, brother, and I had the awesome chance to go and chase! there were some super-cells with Doppler indicated tornados 2 miles north of my house and when we heard the warnings, we headed for the car and into the storm! It's alot different chasing in GA. On t.v. you can see for miles and miles and you can clearly see the tornado. A few weeks ago when we were chasing, we could not tell where the funnel was. We tuned into the radio and quickly discovered we were on the south end of the funnel! CRAZY!


Anonymous said...

You are a spectactular photographer...a genius of your craft.

Anonymous said...

YOu guys were CRAZY to be running around during a Supercell. Don't you guys watch the Weather Channel?